We are active all over Sweden with our local branches and are very important in providing safe places to meet. We are also a strong voice in public debate around trans issues and an important driving force to create better living conditions for trans people or people who are questioning their gender identity.

Our local branches arrange different activities and events. These can be anything from renting a swimming pool to having fika or going to an exhibition. Check out what is going on in your local area. Email info@transammans.se and we can help you get in contact with your local branch, or you can contact them directly.

Local branches

Transammans Central
Örebro, Västmanland, Värmland, Dalarna and Gävleborg)

Transammans North
Västerbotten, Jämtland, Västernorrland and Norrbotten

Transammans South
Skåne, Blekinge, Kronoberg and Kalmar

Transammans West

Jönköping, Halland and Västra Götaland

Transammans East
Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland, Östergötland and Gotland

Become a member of Transammans

Transammans is a not for profit association that works to improve the living conditions and rights of trans people. We work continuously to influence social changes, improve and increase knowledge and create safe meeting places and community for trans people of all ages and their families.

As a member in Transammans, you make it possible for Transammans to continue to make change. Your support and engagement makes it possible for our shared voice to be strong and unfaltering. Thank you for taking a stand with us!

Become a member here

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Reach out to us!

We’d love to hear from you - so don’t hesitate reaching out and we’d be happy to chat with you!